2024-2025 Book and Supply List
McDougal-Littell Pre-Algebra Textbook (available to rent from Cornerstone Academy)
Math notebook(s) (2 spirals or one three ring binder with notebook paper)
Pencils with erasers
Graph paper
Scientific calculator (recommend: TI-30xIIs: $10 @ Amazon or Walmart)
Algebra 1
McDougal-Littell Algebra 1 Textbook (available to rent from Cornerstone Academy)
Math notebook(s) (2 spirals or one three ring binder with notebook paper)
Pencils with erasers
Graph paper
Scientific calculator (recommend: TI-30xIIs: $10 @ Amazon or Walmart)
McDougal-Littell Geometry Textbook (available to rent from Cornerstone Academy)
Math notebook(s) (2 spirals or one three ring binder with notebook paper)
Pencils with erasers
Graph paper
Scientific calculator (recommend: TI-30xIIs: $10 @ Amazon or Walmart)
Algebra 2
McDougal-Littell Algebra 2 Textbook (available to rent from Cornerstone Academy)
Math notebook(s) (2 spirals or one three ring binder with notebook paper)
Pencils with erasers
Graph paper
Scientific calculator (recommend: TI-30xIIs: $10 @ Amazon or Walmart)
McDougal-Littell Calculus Textbook (available to rent from Cornerstone Academy)
Math notebook(s) (2 spirals or one three ring binder with notebook paper)
Pencils with erasers
Graph paper
Graphing calculator
Spanish 1
Access to a computer or mobile device for at-home Spanish assignments
Americas Geography Activity Book (Amazon link)
Three ring binder with notebook paper
Spanish reading book (purchase in Spring)
Spanish 2
Access to a computer or mobile device for at-home Spanish assignments
Three ring binder with notebook paper and 5-tab dividers
Spanish reading book (purchase in Spring)
Writing 1
Workbook: The Lost Tools of Writing (level one) published by the Circe Institute. https://circeinstitute.org/lost-tools-writing/
The War that Saved my Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawling
Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt
Access to a dictionary at home (no need to bring to class)
Earth Science
Discovering Design with Earth Science by Dr. Jay Wile. Textbook and Answer Key/Tests book. There is no need to purchase the workbook that some sites sell. https://bereanbuilders.com/ecomm/product/discovering-design-with-earth-science-set/
Three ring binder with notebook paper for class notes and assignments
Spiral notebook to use as your laboratory notebook
Pencils and eraser
(No need to purchase the lab kit because all lab supplies will be provided in class)
Personal Finance
The Foundations in Personal Finance workbook by Dave Ramsey will be provided
Writing 2: Windows to the World
We do not yet have sufficient enrollment in this class to offer it this year. Please wait to order any supplies. Thank you!